Tuesday, 9 November 2010

What Makes an Effective Bad Breath Remedy

by Linda Larsson

Bad breath is a problem everyone has to encounter at a time in their life. Be it morning bad breath or chronic bad breath it is an unpleasant condition. Bad breath has been considered one of the qualities that leads to strained relationships and low self-esteem. To treat it an effective bad breath remedy has to be sought. Some of the qualities of an effective bad breath remedy include the following.

It must consider the cause of the bad breath. There are many causes of bad breath. Some are found within the mouth or the body. Others still come from outside the body. By trying to eliminate the cause of the bad breath, the remedy can be considered effective. For example, if the bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene, the effective way to deal with this is to practice good oral hygiene. This involves brushing of teeth regularly and visiting the dentist often. Another case would be bad breath caused by a disease. Brushing of teeth will only provide temporary relief to the problem, treatment of the disease on the other hand will effectively treat it.

The bad breath remedy should not contribute to bad breath itself. If bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene, brushing is necessary. However, the mouth wash or toothpaste should not contain ingredients believed to cause bad breath. Such ingredients include alcohol which contributes to a dry mouth which is a cause for bad breath.

The bad breath remedy should be simple to use. Eliminating bad breath is the responsibility of the individual. Therefore the remedy used should not be so complex as to frustrate the person. The bad breath is enough frustration already. For example, if a person has bad breath, depending on the cause, the remedy should not involve combining numerous ingredients to come up with a super formula. As ingle ingredient that they can access easily and use regularly will be best.

The remedy should try to remove the bad breath completely, at least for half a day. Temporary bad breath remedies require the individual to use them a number of times each day. This can lead to frustration and lowered self-esteem. And effective remedy should enable the individual go about their daily activities without having to think about their next bad breath elimination session.

An effective bad breath remedy should have conditions for use. That is, if the person needs to eliminate bad breath they should follow some rules. For example, if the bad breath is caused by smoking, then the remedy should involve quitting their smoking habit as a condition. This way, they will be most effective.

Finally, the bad breath remedy should be safe to use. The mouth is the entry point of most of the things the body needs to function. It is also the entry point for toxins that might harm the body. An effective bad breath remedy that is used in the mouth should not contain ingredients that could cause harm if mistakenly ingested.

Want to discover more bad breath remedy tips?

Go here to download your FREE course that reveals how you can kill bad breath at easy steps www.killmybadbreath.com

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