Thursday, 25 November 2010

Psychological dependence on smoking

Each smoker has repeatedly throughout his life suggests that the need to quit and, of course, he will not ever slack off yourself a nicotine smoke.

There are many different ways to quit smoking: tablets, patches that contain nicotine, chewing gum, a phased reduction of cigarettes smoked, etc. Probably, all of these methods you already know and tried them. All these methods are aimed at relieving the physical addiction. It is an important component of the destruction of that bad habit. However, it cannot give the full effect, because you first need to get rid of psychological dependence on smoking (fear of quitting).

So what should you do? You are psychologically dependent? You feel fear before attempting to quit smoking? What can help you get rid of it? Eradicate it, of course, is not so simple, but it is quite possible, let's analyze:

1. Determine how much you are psychologically dependent on cigarettes:
When you try to quit smoking you have a pack of cigarettes. It is necessary for your own comfort; you never know what can happen. The idea that you forget it at home, having gone to work, brings a strange fear.

2. Answer the following question: "Why do you smoke?
If a person does something because of his desire, he sees this as a value and necessity. However, what could be a valuable and necessary in smoking?

3. It is time for full disclosure. It's time to "wash" your brains!
Remember, smokers create their own set of problems: unpleasant feelings about the need for a cigarette, disapproval of others, bad breath, the risk of fatal diseases and more. Some hide from loved ones (mother, child, husband), just imagine, in such a humiliating position puts you your cigarette. The root of all problems lies in the psychology of the smoker, prove to your subconscious that all the reasons why you smoke - is nonsense. The whole secret is that Quitters people could prove to yourself that in giving up smoking is very much positive.

4. Create your own favorable conditions and make no mistakes.
To cope with this pernicious habit, you must create an enabling environment. As little as possible are in the company of smokers. Find for you any more motivation (as will be delighted husband, I finally will not have to hide from the child, and I finish coughing). This will help, try first, to avoid alcohol, find a companion in misfortune, and throw together.

5. Read the book Allen Carr's "Easyway to Stop Smoking."
This man was himself a heavy smoker and smoked a hundred cigarettes a day. He freed himself from the habit and cured so many people.

This article I wrote specifically for people who care about their health and want to quit. I have been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit my latest website over at which helps people find the best denture cleanser and information they are looking when they thinking about the cleanliness of their dentures.

At the conclusion of the article, I want to note that from a psychological dependence has not yet come up with ready-made pills. It is born in the smoker's head in the form of fear. To get rid of it, you must include your head and "wash" your brain and create a correct attitude. Remember, there are billions of men and women in the world, which independent of the cigarettes and are not deprived of something valuable in this life! Good luck in your fight against bad habit!

About the Author:

My name is Sergey. I like to write articles on various topics. I have been writing articles for nearly 4 years.

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