Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Could Saw Palmetto Be The Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Before we look at saw palmetto as a hair loss treatment lets take a look at some other treatments for men?

It probably won't take you too long to work out that there are many treatments for hair loss on the market with each company coming up with their own special solution which will always be the best treatment. You may find that creams or shampoos are a popular choice all the way through to getting hair transplants like the famous cricketers Graham Gooch and Shane Warne. You may find that the hair transplant offers a great result but honestly it will be out of the budget of most people.

It has to be said that men will generally drift from one product to another in the the hope of preventing hair loss and often they live in hope that the products will work and when they don't they move onto the next product.

Curiously one of the best ways of treating hair loss is by following nature. There are many natural supplements such as Saw Palmetto and vitamins are also good for hair loss. Other supplements such as Ginseng, Horsetail,Valerian, Zine, Nettle, Black Currant Oil, Capsicum and Red Sage can be combine with other natural shampoos and creams to provide an effective treatment.

Some studies have shown that saw palmetto may have the same effect as the drug finasteride in treating hair loss and prostate enlargement diseases. It has been suggested that both hair loss and prostate disease are related to the hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is formed when the enzyme 5-alpha reductase interacts with the male hormone testosterone. Firstly it lowers levels of DHT in the body by Blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Secondly Saw Palmetto block receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT.Even though there are no studies relating to saw palmetto and hair loss or indeed hair growth there is circumstantial evidence from those that take it to suggest that it may help those with restricted hair growth or hair loss.

Diet adjustment and sufficient water intake are two other methods that not many pay attention to, because they may seem distant from the problem. But if you really think about it, your hair also utilizes some of the nutrients that go into your body, and the lack of vitamins in your food will also equate to problems with your hair, the same goes for water.

So what is the best hair loss treatment for men? There are many and it is your job to find out which particular one will work well for you. If you however would like to know more about the options available, one site that will be able to give you more facts and useful information would be, totalhairregrowth.com, so do check it out and start working on your best hair treatment approach today!

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