By Sarah J. Lomas
Candidiasis or moniliasis is an infection caused by fungus. It can affect the nails, mouth, vagina, intestinal tracts, skin, or mucous membranes of the body. It is commonly found in the moist parts of the body.
Medical books tell us that the body in its normal state can shelter a fungus called candida albicans. In competition with some other harmless bacteria, candida albicans are thus kept under control.
However, antibiotics taken regularly can decrease the number of bacteria but can increase the number of candida albicans because of the fact that the fungus growth are left unchecked with the diminished population of the bacteria. There is no one to control the proliferation of the fungus in the body.
What are the common symptoms of candidiasis (yeast infection) and is there yeast infection treatment available?
First off, we’ll have to answer the question regarding the symptoms of candidiasis or commonly called yeast infection.
The most common symptoms include vaginal discomfort like itching and redness. Add those to the thick, odorless and white discharge coming out of the vagina. These symptoms may cause discomfort and pain during urination and during sexual intercourse.
Another symptom can include the production of cream-colored or bluish white discharge on the tongue or mouth if it is an oral infection. This symptom can create sores with creamy yellow color as well as raised patches inside the mouth. Again, this might become painful and serious if left unchecked.
For skin infection, the fungus can produce an itchy and red rash with flaky white patches with adults. For infants meanwhile it can occur simultaneously with diaper rashes. Infants can be irritable when this happens because of the pain and discomfort it can bring.
If the male genital is infected with this fungus the head of the penis can become inflamed. Medically this is called balanitis. And can cause great discomfort during urination and during sexual intercourse.
For severe and serious infection however, candidiasis can produce fever, chills and severe case of malaise where the sufferer may experience general body aches and pains.
For the question about the yeast infection cure, there are many ways of treating depending on the area of the infected body. For example, if the vagina, penis, mouth or the throat is concerned the common medications that will be prescribed by the doctor are the antifungal creams which can be bought over the counter.
Also common are suppositories and tablets which are taken orally. For vaginal yeast infection treatment it is better to ask the doctor for a specific medication suited to your needs. Although, these type of medications can be bought over the counter.
For the treatment of fungal mouth infection, the doctor might prescribe oral mouthwash as this can loosen the hardened secretions of the mouth. This can also promote over all relief from pain and discomfort. For best results a gentle mouthwash is generally prescribed.
The treatment of severe cases of candidiasis that affects the mouth, throat and the digestive system requires the introduction of intravenous medication that can directly go to the bloodstream.
But people should not opt for the yeast infection cure but instead prefer the prevention of the fungus from spreading. As they say prevention is better than the cure.
Women should wear cotton underwear or panties. Cottons are cool unlike other textiles like the nylon fibers which generally does not allow the body to “breath”. This type of fungus thrives in moist and warm places.
Do not have sexual intercourse with a partner known to have yeast infection. The infection can be easily passed on to an uninfected one. If it cannot be avoided ask them to wear latex condoms.
Change the oral contraceptives or birth control pills if you noticed that it causes yeast infection. Ask your obstetrics and gynecologist doctor on the other options available.
Use only feminine hygiene sprays when needed. Some feminine hygiene sprays alters the normal flora of the vagina and this can cause some bacteria to be decimated leaving the candida albicans free to thrive.
And for those prone to skin fungal infection it is always best to keep your skin dry. Yeast infection cure should be the last thing on your mind. Again, the lesson here is that prevention is better than the cure. Always protect yourself.
About the Author: Article by Sarah Lomas of, a website with the best cure yeast infection naturally and treating yeast infections information on the web.
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