Monday, 29 November 2010

Herbal Remedies for Genital Warts

By Doris Khan

A lot of herbal plants are used and tested to cure genital warts. Natural remedies are also cheaper compared to commercial ones. Having this kind of disease is not an easy and getting those ugly lesions is not something to be proud of. It is the most commonly transmitted HPV virus all over the world.

There are herbs and natural oils that are effective for treating this kind of disease. One of the most easily found herb is green tea. It has antiviral properties making it more effective to treat this illness. It can be applied over the genital wart in a form of tea bag. It is suggested to find us the type with green tea oil. It is found to be highly effective and eliminates the disease.

A banana peel patch is also believed to eliminate this disease. The peel is applied overnight over the genital warts and used for a few weeks until the wart falls off. It is believed that the vitamin properties in the peel are the reason it is effective. It has antiviral properties.

Other remedies include using garlic, papaya, lemon peel, vinegar, castor oil and aloe vera. The papaya contains enzyme that is known to break down dead skin cells. The chemicals found in lemon peel are similar to the banana peel. They are both known to dissolve the wart. The vitamin content of the lemon also helps because it has anti-viral properties.

Castor oil is also known to remove warts. Using them may take a longer time to remove the art but it gives out better result. The castor oil is applied over the wart and covered with bandages or some use garlic and tape them over the wart to prevent rubbing. Take note that this method may also cause pain so be very careful in using them.

All these natural remedies are found anywhere. It will help remove the lesions but then still there is no guarantee the wart will not come back. A good and strong immune system is still one of the best armor to combat genital warts. Be extra careful in choosing the remedy you want to try because the genital area of the body is very sensitive. Give a thought about a doctor's visit. If any remedies do not work for you then you can look into the methods done by medical doctors.

Learn more the effective way to prevent genital warts. You can find significant information here on genital warts prevention.

Article Source:

You Can't Cure Tinnitus - Can You?

By Stuart J Smith

You will often read that Tinnitus is not curable and partly that is true but you have to consider that tinnitus is in fact a symptom which occurs due to a number of possible causes of which some of them are definitely curable.

So what is tinnitus? Well it is different for many patients but it is often described as ringing in the ears but it can be buzzing, humming, whistling, whining or many other such repetitive sounds. These noises can be intermittent or they can be permanent which may cause sufferers great distress. The constant noises in the ear area may also upset a sufferers balance and cause other symptoms such as nausea, sweating and vomiting.

As we have already discussed as tinnitus can be caused by a number of different things then many Doctors will find it difficult to diagnose the actual problem for a patient with tinnitus as there are many possibilities as to how the symptom has arisen. A doctor may prescribe a noise masker to give a patient some sort of relief. This works by creating a noise which acts, after a fashion, to offset the internal ringing in the ears. Some relief may be found using this method but it is not really a cure for the issue that causes the symptoms.

Unfortunately tinnitus may be caused unintentionally by each person themselves. For example it is established that exposure to sound levels over 70dB can over a period of time damage a person's hearing. Sadly it is likely that tinnitus sufferers will increase with the growing trend of people to have their music player on whilst going to work. The volume levels on these machines are often as loud levels to mask out day to day noises but this can lead to damage to the hearing in later life and consequently tinnitus.

Treatments for tinnitus will really depend on the type of condition you have been diagnosed with. Conditions are likely to be either objective (where the doctor can hear the noise) and subjective (where the doctor cannot hear the noise). For objective tinnitus a doctor may recommend surgery, clearance of the ear canal or a series of drugs to help the condition. A patient with subjective tinnitus is a lot harder to treat as there are no actual noises for the doctor to use to formulate a treatment. These treatments can range from avoiding nicotine, salt and caffeine to taking supplements, taking medications, electrical stimulation's, surgery, sound therapy and psychological therapies. In some cases alcohol may increase the severity of tinnitus so avoiding alcohol may also be suggested in some cases.

In a recent study it was discovered that there was a 20% chance of a person between 55 and 65 reporting symptoms that are similar to those described for tinnitus. Given the high prevalence of sufferers in that age group it is even more surprising that there is a common misconception that this is a permanent condition and one that you just have to live with. Whilst this may be true for some patients there are available remedies for many patients that do provide some relief to the condition.

In addition to the mainstream treatments there are also some recommendations for holistic treatments that use certain food groups, herbs and vitamins to help your body to naturally boost its immune system and effectively cure your tinnitus once and for all. Many people who have tried the traditional treatments are trying these types of alternative treatments and finding that the change in their lifestyle that these treatments recommend can help them with their tinnitus.

If you are fed up with trying the normal cures for tinnitus then why not try our recommended product - Cure My Tinnitus.

The author runs an online shopping website in the United Kingdom called Value Shopping Online and is constantly looking for products that provide value for money from both the traditional retail and download markets to recommend to his readers.

Article Source:

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Arthritic Insomnia

If you are dealing with arthritis, one of the hardest things to deal with is the insomnia. The sleeping disorder is going to prevent you from getting the rest that you need to stay healthy and this will in return make your arthritis worse. It can be a terrible cycle that you are dealing with. There are many things that you can do to take on arthritis and it is important to consider all of the options so that you can get a better night’s rest every time you go to bed.

Having insomnia is figured out by a number of problems. You must first have difficulty falling asleep. Many people will experience this at some point in their life. However if you are frequently finding it hard to drift off to sleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about it. If you are waking up often through the night for no good reason, this is a symptom too. This will usually happen to everyone and more so to people if they are new parents. If you are finding that you are constantly tossing and turning more than once a week, you are probably dealing with insomnia. Some with insomnia will sleep throughout the night. Their problem may be that they wake up too early or they do not feel refreshed after many hours of sleep. It will depend on how frequently insomnia happens for you and if you can be diagnosed with short-term insomnia, intermittent insomnia or chronic insomnia.

Anyone that suffers from arthritis will also find that they have chronic insomnia or insomnia that does not go away and occurs for a long time period. There are many reasons that chronic insomnia is found in people that do have arthritis. The pain will keep some awake at night and will occur with illness but some of the patients find that their joints are painful and inflamed after they do activity. A second reason of insomnia due to arthritis is a high level of stress that most patients with arthritis have. Worrying about an appointment with a doctor can cause a person to stay awake all night long. There is no difference for any patient that is young and just recently diagnosed or older and has had the problem of arthritis for many years. Insomnia can be a side of effect of the medicine that is used to treat arthritis. These medicines may rid the pain but can make you stay up all night. Without taking the medication, you may also be awake all night with pain.

There are a number of ideas that a person can do for insomnia. You are not alone is the first step. You need to talk to your doctor about any medications that you are taking that keep you up all night. There are going to be side effects of drugs and they can be addicting as well. Taking the right steps to take the stress out of your life is going to help you sleep better at night too. You and your doctor are the only people that can take the right course of action to fix the insomnia in your life. Talk to them and get a good night’s sleep because it is essential for healthy living.

A deeper understanding of Akashic Records

Right now, there is a huge new sensation about Akashic records. You’ll find that a lot of people are being drawn into Akashic records as a way for them to heal. You’ll find that a lot of people use the knowledge in order to feel safe and secure about their future. They also find that these practices are almost a remedy for anxious feelings.

When you take a look at your Akashic record you’ll be able to achieve a lot of your goals. You’ll want to keep in mind that people don’t want to wait to see what their future holds, but people are now more than eager to learn more about themselves on a deeper level.

Most people are unable to get in touch with their own Akashic record so they do end up having a reader come in and help them. They will help read the signs, but they will also help translate a lot of the information that is left unnoticed. You’ll want to keep in mind that the Akashic reader will help you to release negative energy and also it will help you to embrace positive energy. This will help you get rid of some of the obstacles that you have and obstacles that prohibit you from growing.

It all depends on the person, but you should be able to access all the information in a trance-like state. You’ll be able to channel a lot of information at this conscious level, however, you’ll be able to get to the deep (hidden truth). You’ll want to keep in mind that most of these records will help you to understand the person you use to be and the person that you are growing into.

TLC for Skin with Acne

When you have acne, you have to give extra care to your skin for as you know, there are factors that changed your skin from those who have normal type. As recommended by the experts, you have to treat your skin affected with acne with more care and more caution. There are some helpful tips you must consider in order for you to gradually get that acne cured or if not at least, not let your condition turn even worse.

These are the things you must do and embrace as habits that you may be able to achieve better skin.

*The simplest way is by washing and cleaning your skin gently.

There are gentle soaps that would surely wash your skin mildly. You are of course not allowed to use soaps that are that strong for they may leave harsh effects on your skin. Toners and cleansers are not also recommended for they have active components that may worsen your skin’s condition. When you feel the need of a toner or a cleanser, see to it that it has an approval from your dermatologist or else you would just cry more and have even the worse acne condition.

Always see to it that you do not use skin products like skin scrubs for they would surely harm your skin. Be very careful in treating your skin, if you would not, you would definitely regret the outcomes. So, be disciplined and do not risk the health of your skin just for temporary things.

*For men, shave carefully

In order not to increase the possibility of harm that your skin might get due to the things you do or the products you use. Well, for men who shave off their skin hair, it is very advisable that they shave carefully and use cream or soap before doing so. The soap or cream would make the hair softer. Be sure to choose the right shaver as well.

Shaving is a really hygienic routine and sees to it that you do it properly without harming your skin. You have to remind yourself of this for it is really very important.

*Choose cosmetics carefully.

This is a special condition when you have acne. Cosmetics must be chosen well most especially, they are recommended by your dermatologist. When you have cosmetics that are needed to be changed, you need to switch to products that are oil free and are noncomedogenic. But, there are cases that the use of cosmetics is of no good at all. So, in this case, it would be best to leave your skin free of cosmetics.

These are just some of the things you need to consider as reminders for those who have acne. The right caution and care would surely give you the best results.

Psychological dependence on smoking

Each smoker has repeatedly throughout his life suggests that the need to quit and, of course, he will not ever slack off yourself a nicotine smoke.

There are many different ways to quit smoking: tablets, patches that contain nicotine, chewing gum, a phased reduction of cigarettes smoked, etc. Probably, all of these methods you already know and tried them. All these methods are aimed at relieving the physical addiction. It is an important component of the destruction of that bad habit. However, it cannot give the full effect, because you first need to get rid of psychological dependence on smoking (fear of quitting).

So what should you do? You are psychologically dependent? You feel fear before attempting to quit smoking? What can help you get rid of it? Eradicate it, of course, is not so simple, but it is quite possible, let's analyze:

1. Determine how much you are psychologically dependent on cigarettes:
When you try to quit smoking you have a pack of cigarettes. It is necessary for your own comfort; you never know what can happen. The idea that you forget it at home, having gone to work, brings a strange fear.

2. Answer the following question: "Why do you smoke?
If a person does something because of his desire, he sees this as a value and necessity. However, what could be a valuable and necessary in smoking?

3. It is time for full disclosure. It's time to "wash" your brains!
Remember, smokers create their own set of problems: unpleasant feelings about the need for a cigarette, disapproval of others, bad breath, the risk of fatal diseases and more. Some hide from loved ones (mother, child, husband), just imagine, in such a humiliating position puts you your cigarette. The root of all problems lies in the psychology of the smoker, prove to your subconscious that all the reasons why you smoke - is nonsense. The whole secret is that Quitters people could prove to yourself that in giving up smoking is very much positive.

4. Create your own favorable conditions and make no mistakes.
To cope with this pernicious habit, you must create an enabling environment. As little as possible are in the company of smokers. Find for you any more motivation (as will be delighted husband, I finally will not have to hide from the child, and I finish coughing). This will help, try first, to avoid alcohol, find a companion in misfortune, and throw together.

5. Read the book Allen Carr's "Easyway to Stop Smoking."
This man was himself a heavy smoker and smoked a hundred cigarettes a day. He freed himself from the habit and cured so many people.

This article I wrote specifically for people who care about their health and want to quit. I have been writing articles for nearly 4 years. Come visit my latest website over at which helps people find the best denture cleanser and information they are looking when they thinking about the cleanliness of their dentures.

At the conclusion of the article, I want to note that from a psychological dependence has not yet come up with ready-made pills. It is born in the smoker's head in the form of fear. To get rid of it, you must include your head and "wash" your brain and create a correct attitude. Remember, there are billions of men and women in the world, which independent of the cigarettes and are not deprived of something valuable in this life! Good luck in your fight against bad habit!

About the Author:

My name is Sergey. I like to write articles on various topics. I have been writing articles for nearly 4 years.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Easy Healthy Detox Tips

Easy Healthy Detox Tips

By Christine Mcveigh

How Much is On Your Plate?

The liver is a very important part of the body. It helps to filter out the many poisons and toxins you come into contact with daily using a healthy detox. Whether on purpose like smoking or drinking or by accident through food with pesticides or chemicals your liver needs your help.

Even overeating means the liver is constantly working, and adding poisons into the mix means the liver will slow down and eventually wear out. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid this and keep your liver in the best shape possible by having a healthy detox. There are several ways to do this, though the easiest way to start is by not over eating or over drinking.

Once you start your liver detox, concentrating on portion control, use herbs and supplements to support your liver and give your body a good boost. Some very popular vitamins for the liver are Vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin E.

Minerals commonly used for liver support include selenium, milk thistle, and beta carotene. These should be taken in conjunction with eating healthy foods that are high in fiber, such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. This approach will not only supply the body with what it needs to fortify the liver, it will also enable it to continue filtering.

There are other methods for those interested in a healthy detox. One such method that is not commonly known is taking a coffee enema. Though it sounds just a little bizarre, it is actually very effective and has been practiced for years by holistic medicine professionals. It works because of the caffeine in the coffee. The caffeine works to stimulate creation of an enzyme that works to increase the pathways for liver detoxification. It is a great option even for those that are supposed to avoid caffeine, as the caffeine itself is never absorbed into the blood.

So if you are considering doing a healthy detox, then there are several ways to go about it. Fortunately, anyone can begin helping their liver by making an effort to practice portion control. Not eating or drinking too much will go a long way, especially when combined with high fiber foods. You can visit for more tips on healthy detoxing.

Christine McVeigh is author of blog The site explores liver detox diet, detoxification, liver cleansing and more. Get liver detox diet and sign up for the free newsletter today.

Article Source:

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Why can't I get pregnant naturally?

OK so you're trying for a baby but no matter what you do you just can't seem to get pregnant naturally. That can put a strain on your relationship with your partner which in itself will not help you to conceive so it is normal that you should think of investigating why that should be.

Before we go into the details did you know that statistically if you are under 35 then you only have a 17% chance of having a baby if you have intercourse at the right time in your cycle. At the end of a year 80% of couples under 35 do end up conceiving and of the remainder 10% will manage to conceive within 2 years. The remaining 10% will not be able to conceive without some assistance.

As you get older the chance of you being able to get pregnant naturally will decline. Those women under 40 will have an 8% chance of conception, if you're over 40 and under 45 then that percentage drops to 3.5% and for over 45's the chance is just 0.5%.

You can therefore see that age can be major barrier in your quest to get pregnant naturally.

We can split the common reasons for not being able to conceive into the 3 categories below:

Female issues: e.g.

1. sporadic ovulation frequency or no ovulations
2. tubal obstruction
3. fibroid, polyps or adhesions on the Uterus

Male issues: e.g.

1. low sperm count
2. unusually shaped sperms
3. inability for sperms to move spontaneously and actively

The third category is essentially an unknown category as in some cases it is possible for both parties not to suffer from any of the issues above yet they still find it impossible to conceive.

The good news is that despite the statistics above and even the issues highlighted it is still possible to have children so today is not the day to stop trying for a baby. We can therefore look at a few tips that will help you to conceive and have a baby.

One of the things that you should consider is what foods you are eating when you are trying to get pregnant naturally.

For example caffeine can cause your chances of conceiving being cut in half which when you consider the numbers already mentioned can be quite a large amount. A simple tip is therefore to stop drinking coffee, black tea and carbonated drinks that contain caffeine whilst you are trying to conceive.

Other food sources to keep an eye on are eggs, meats and dairy products. The simple tip here is to go organic so that you know that none of the foods have had any contact with any chemicals which may affect your chances of having a baby.

Another great tip is to give up alcohol whilst you are trying to get pregnant. You will know what happens when you have too much alcohol so naturally the same thing affects sperm which results in the sperm not being as viable as what would otherwise be the case. In women alcohol can imbalance the hormones on your body which doesn't help when you need your body to be functioning at its maximum to have the conditions right for conception.

These are some simple tips that can help you to get pregnant naturally.

There are many other tips that you can look at to help you have a baby but unfortunately we're running out of room here so why not check them out on our website.

To take the next step and find even more simple tips like those above that will help assist you in being able to have a baby (even if you have any of the issues highlighted above) then visit the website -

Click here for to get pregnant naturally now!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Over 40% Of The Adult Population Will Suffer From Hemorrhoids. Are You Making Any Of These 3 Mistakes That Contribute To It?

Today, I wanted to alert you to something will afflict 40% of the adult population (or more) at some point of their lives. It's called hemorrhoids or piles and it's basically any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal regions.

Blood on your toilet paper? Itching in your anus area? Pain during constipation? All of these are likely signs that you may have hemorrhoids and it's no laughing matter – because although common, they can be annoying and embarrassing.

In the more severe stages, they can fall out like a lump outside your bottom. So what are some common mistakes that people make which contribute to developing this common condition? Even if you have these already, avoiding the following 3 mistakes can start relieving the problem gradually.

Mistake #1: Eating too much processed food

This can be a toughie for some people. However, it's known that processed foods create harder stool and troubles in digestion. This creates constipation and other issues which can lead to hemorrhoids. The key here, especially when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, is to lower your intake of processed sugars and foods.

Mistake #2: Sedentary lifestyle

A lot of long term sitting can create additional pressure on the bottom area and this invokes the perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to occur if combined with a sharp force such as constipation or pregnancy (in women). The solution is to make sure you do not sit for over 1 hour at a time, and remember to do stretches that promote healthy blood flow.

Mistake #3: Intake of processed medication and creams

This creates the same potential problem as processed foods. Even many of the fiber supplements contain processed and artificial elements that can create side-effects elsewhere… and lastly they are not even attacking the root of the problem here.

The other downside of these creams which do no benefit is that they waste one's time and the hemorrhoid can get worse over time if the root problem is not reversed.

So try to avoid these 3 mistakes and you will not be contributing to any worsening of hemorrhoids. It's very important to understand these in our modern lifestyle of sedentary office work and processed, convenient diets.


Holly Hayden is an independent expert on curing hemorrhoids 100%
naturally using the little-known fast system called "The H Miracle".
You can get a free sample and get your Free "What 95% of Hemorrhoid
Sufferers Don't Know..."

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Friday, 19 November 2010

The Internet Diet and Nutrition Classic, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: “The Bible of Fat Loss.”

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle has been around a long time, at least in Internet years. It was released in 2003 and was one of the first diet and nutrition e-books ever published. Today there are e-books all over the web, not to mention more supplements, weight loss programs, ab machines, workout videos and “magic” diet pills than you can keep track of.

Even when your gut instincts tell you all these “fast and easy”, “just take a pill” weight loss claims are too good to be true, sometimes the advertisements press your emotional buttons so well that your curiosity gets the best of you.

But after getting burned enough times, you eventually smarten up. You swear off “quick fixes” and you finally figure out the long way (through your own experience), about what really works; a calorie deficit, proper nutrition, intelligent training, changing your lifestyle and replacing your old negative habits with positive new ones.

Through all the Internet diets that have come and gone in the last decade, this e-book is one that has stood the test of time. It has been an Internet best seller every year since 2003. Men and women of all ages in over 141 countries have lost anywhere from a few pounds to 253 pounds using Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. The program consistently gets positive reviews and has earned a reputation for being sensible, science-based, honest and effective.

The author, Tom Venuto, received his degree in exercise science and has held certifications as a strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer, but more importantly, Tom walks the talk. He is a natural-for-life bodybuilder, which means that he’s never taken steroids or other body-enhancing drugs. Venuto has competed in bodybuilding 28 times and has 6-pack abs you have to see to believe (check out the picture at of Tom at 3.7% body fat).

Although Tom admits that he was never obese, he says he always struggled with stomach fat and never saw his abs until he’d gone through many years of trial and error and a lot of hard work. Many people are encouraged when they hear that Tom is a lot like them and that he was not genetically predisposed to be lean. It gives them the hope that they can do it too.

Now that you know about the history and the author, here’s a quick overview of what you’ll find when you read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.

Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle is published in Adobe PDF format so you can download the e-book. It’s on the long side at 300+ pages, so if you’re looking for a Cliff’s Notes type of read, this might not be the book you want. On the other hand, if you’re a detail person or if you want to know not just what to do, but also why you’re doing it, then Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle is exactly what you’re looking for.

For more than 20 years, the author has studied physique athletes (bodybuilders, female figure competitors and fitness models). That’s the whole premise of this book: If you want to get lean as quickly as possible, wouldn’t it make sense to find the leanest people in the world, find out how they did it and do what they do?

When you read more about this on the web page at, the idea of a program based on bodybuilder and fitness model techniques makes perfect sense, although it does intimidate some people at first.

In the introduction of the book however, Venuto points out: “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle was created BY a bodybuilder, but it’s not just FOR bodybuilders.” In fact, the book easily could have been titled, “What every man and woman can learn from bodybuilders about permanent fat loss.”

The nutrition techniques will work for anyone because they progress in stages from beginner to advanced. Unless you plan on competing in a fitness or bodybuilding competition, you’ll only need to use phase one, aka, the “baseline” diet. If you want to get “ripped”, with the six pack abs look – you can use phase two and phase three of the program, where you will find the more advanced techniques that many people have used to prepare for their first bodybuilding or figure competitions.

The main focus of the e-book is nutrition, because nutrition is arguably the most important key to getting lean. You could have the best training program in the world, but if you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll gain fat regardless of your well-designed training plan.

In the chapters on nutrition, you’ll learn how to set up a meal plan you can enjoy by using Tom’s menu “template” system: You just choose the foods you like (pick from the recommended food lists), plug them into the meal plan template, and your menus virtually create themselves. Sample menus are also provided for ideas.

You also learn the truth about six pack abs: Body fat tissue lies on TOP of the abdominal muscles, so you’ll NEVER see your abs unless your body fat gets low enough. You can’t burn fat off your abs with abdominal exercises like crunches or sit ups. You must get the nutrition right to achieve very low body fat levels.

In Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, you learn everything you need to know about calories, protein, carbs and fat to get low levels of body fat. You’ll learn the facts about low carb and high protein diets. You’ll get the inside scoop on fat burning foods – including lists of what to eat and when to eat them.

You also learn how to set up a training program. These are the same workout routines used by top natural bodybuilding and fitness champions. However, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle nutrition works in combination with any training program (so you can use your own workout if you choose).

The 2 components are weight training and cardiovascular training. You’ll need access to basic equipment at home like dumbbells and barbells or you can train in a gym. One caveat: This e-book doesn’t give you photos or detailed instructions on how to perform each exercise. There’s more attention given to nutrition than training in this e-book, and if you use the training programs, it assumes you know how to perform basic weight training exercises.

Customizing your program is a major theme in chapter 5, which explains metabolic individuality and how to figure out your unique body type. The major lesson is: There’s no one-size-fits-all nutrition program. If you have special needs, for example, if you’re lactose intolerant, allergic to gluten or if you’re just a picky eater, you can easily modify the menus to work for you.

In addition to the nutrition and training plan, chapter one contains what is probably the best explanation of goal setting, mental training and the psychology of motivation that you will ever read in any book. If you know what to do but you have a hard time doing it (ie, if old bad habits keep haunting you or if you’re inconsistent with your diet or nutrition), you’ll find the solution in the mental training, not the physical training.

In summary, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is no quick fix. You don’t get six pack abs or a body like a fitness model by training a few minutes a day and eating haphazardly or cheating frequently. This program calls for structure and requires effort. In fact, many Burn The Fat customers have said that the main reason they bought the program was because it openly admits that fat loss is hard work. However, it’s worth it because if you follow the program, there’s no question that you will get very, very lean.

After all these years, Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is a classic in the diet and nutrition e-book genre. There are many imitators and copycats, but if you want the original, this is it. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is literally the “bible of fat loss.”

You can get more information and download the e-book at the official site here:

Thursday, 18 November 2010

How to Avoid Over-training to Maximize Muscle Growth

By Vince DelMonte

Almost anyone that's picked up a set of weights has or will experience symptoms of over-training at one point in there muscle building program. Over-training can lead to serious injury, chronic fatigue, and even muscle loss.

Over-training is very common amongst athletes and particularly bodybuilders, since they figure that training as much as possible is the fastest way to massive muscle gains.

This couldn't be any further from the truth however...

Training too much, or at too high of an intensity will lead to over-training.

Now this doesn't mean you don't have to put plenty of effort in to see some decent results... Whether you are a bodybuilder, athlete, or just someone that wants to add some additional mass to your frame, you need to train hard and be consistent-that's a given. In order to get the most out of your genetics, you have to progressively overload the muscles by increasing the weight and / or intensity of each weight training workout.

The problem is however, that many of us increase the intensity of our workouts or get insufficient amounts of rest, or even worse, a combination of both. The trick is finding the right balance between workout volume and intensity, and rest and recovery. And that is exactly what I'll cover in this article.

The Effects of Over-Training on Bodybuilders

First, let's take a look at some of the effects of over-training and how one can prevent over-training from happening in the first place.

The Effects of Over-training on the Nervous System

Over-training effects both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in the following negative ways:

* Higher resting heart rate
* Weak appetite
* High blood pressure
* Weight loss
* Trouble sleeping
* Increased metabolic rate
* Irritability
* Early onset of fatigue

If you are experiencing more than one of the symptoms outlined above, you may be in a state of over-training, and should evaluate your routine as soon as possible.

The Effects of Over-training on Hormone Levels

Many studies have indicated that over-training negatively effects the levels of hormones, as well as the hormone response in the body. Since hormones play such an important role in the muscle building process, this can have a detrimental effect on your training progress.

Over-training has been show to:

* Decrease testosterone levels
* Decrease thyroxine levels
* Increase cortisol levels

The increase in cortisol levels along with the decrease in testosterone levels is a deadly combination, since this leads to protein tissue break down. This will ultimately lead to a loss of muscle tissue.

The Effects of Over-training on the Immune System

perhaps one of the most alarming repercussions of over-training is it's negative impact on the immune system-you're bodies first defense against harmful viruses and bacteria.

Over-training can drastically decrease the levels of antibodies and lymphocytes in your body, making you much more susceptible to illness. Simply put, this means that if you are in a state of over-training, you are much more likely to get sick. Since you will have to skip workouts while you are sick, your muscle building progress will slow considerably.

The Effects of Over-training on the Metabolic System

Here is a list of how over-training can effect the metabolic system. These symptoms are the ones that are most commonly discussed, and are ones we can't ignore:

* Micro tears in the muscle
* Chronically depleted glycogen levels
* Slow, weak muscle contractions
* Depleted creatine phosphate stores
* Excessive accumulation of lactic acid
* Extreme DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
* Tendon and connective tissue damage

So you must get the point by now... Over-training effects the entire body, and can seriously impact the results of your muscle building program.

Now let's take a look at the different types of over-training, and what we can do to prevent it.

Is it Worse to Over-Train With Cardio or Weight Training?

Any form of over-training is a bad thing, however, I've personally experienced both types of over-training and can honestly say that over-training in the weight room is much worse, and much more prevalent than over-training through cardiovascular training.

Here are some of the reasons why:

* In order to grow, muscles must fully recover from their last workout, every workout. If you are over-training and work the muscles before they have fully recovered, you will break down the muscle tissue before it has rebuilt-making it impossible to build muscle!

* Over-training with weights makes you more susceptible to nervous systems hormone and immune system issues, which all pose serious health risks.

* It can lead beginners down the wrong path, perhaps wasting money on unnecessary supplements, or even worse, steroids.

I personally believe that only competitive athletes such as swimmers, runners and bikers run a serious risk of reaching a state of cardiovascular over-training, since there are often training for two or more hours daily.

The bottom line is that it is much easier for the average person to over-train while weight training than while cardiovascular training, and I think the effects can be more serious.

How do I Determine if I'm Over-training?

Determining if you're currently over-training is fairly simple. If you're in tune with your body, you can often see the signs of over-training before they get serious. If you are losing interest in workouts, are having trouble sleeping, and feel weak and irritable, you may be in a state of over-training and should take a week or more off.

If you are experiencing two or more of the symptoms outlined earlier in the article, this should raise a red flag.

Another variable you can use to determine if you are over-training is by tracking the performance of your workouts.

Has your physical performance improved compared to your last workout?

For example, let's say last workout you were able to perform 8 pull-ups using your body-weight, but were only able to perform 6 pull-ups the following week. This means that you have not "out done" your previous workout, have not fully recovered, and therefore are likely over-training. You nave to re-asses your program and make modifications so that you see progress every workout.

How Can I Prevent Over-training?

n order to avoid over-training, you need to take a multi-facited approach. Determining the correct training volume and intensity, eating the right foods, and getting the right amount of rest and recovery must all be taken in to consideration. Now let's take a look at each of those factors in more detail.

Correct Training Volume

Determining the correct training volume can be difficult, especially when you are first starting out. You have to determine how much weight to lift, how many repetitions and set to perform for every single workout.

You need to use your own judgment in this case, based on your recovery ability and your recovery methods. Remember that the goal is that you improve every single workout, and if this isn't happening, you have to decrease the intensity of your workouts.

This is where many people go wrong though. You begin your workout and realize that you have not fully recovered. You can either continue to train at a lower intensity than the previous workout, or skip the workout entirely.

As hard as it may be, skipping the workout is the right way to go. Just turn around and go home! Your body is telling you that it needs more rest, and you must listen to it!

There is no point in training at a lower intensity, further breaking down the muscle tissue. By doing this you will increase your risk of injury, and make it harder for your body to fully recovery for your next training session.

Proper Nutrition

Your diet plays a huge role in your muscle building program. It helps regulate hormone levels, provides energy, and provides the raw building blocks that are used to create new tissue.

Here are some dietary recommendations that will limit the chance of over-training:

* Do not skip breakfast. This is one of the most important meals of the day. Skipping breakfast is very catabolic, and can promote muscle loss.
* Never let yourself get hungry. If you're trying to build muscle mass, you have to constantly feed your body quality foods so that it never has the chance catabolize muscle tissue.
* Unless you are trying to build muscle and lose fat, make sure you have eaten prior to your training session and are not hungry.
* Have the largest meal of the day within an hour after your workout. Do this every single workout!
* Consider taking proven supplements like creatine, and antioxidants to increase performance and fight free radicals.
* Eat every 2-3 hours to ensure that your body remains in an anabolic state.
* Keep glycogen levels at full capacity to inhibit muscle tissue breakdown.

Rest & Recovery

Rest and recovery is essential when it comes to avoiding over-training. Make sure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and that you are on a consistent schedule. As for recovery time, it's important that you have days off between weight training workouts. Try to have one rest day between weight training workouts, and never train the same muscle groups on consecutive days.

About the Author:

Vince Delmonteis a competitive fitness model and personal trainer, as well as the author of No-Nonsense Muscle Building, a complete guide to building muscle for the hardgainer.

Vince's program includes extensive diet plans, complete weight training regimens, video tutorials, and full email personal training support.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

How to get pregnant

Have you ever wondered how to get pregnant? This question evokes varying responses from different people. Romance and emotion do play their part in the decision of having a baby. However, it is not uncommon to feel pained and frustrated, especially among the couples who are not able to become parents). Ideas of a kinky nature are bound to come to such couples.

Most newly wed couples take adequate protection against having a baby too quickly. However, in a matter of months, even as the duo is still getting to know each other properly, the eagerness to conceive a kid increases. This is hardly surprising, given the natural instinct of motherhood in ladies. A wife always wants to become a mother, since that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Thus, even in a fiercely competitive world, where the cost of everyday living runs into thousands, the craving for a baby remains high.

However, the females need to know how to get pregnant in a proper, healthy manner. The welfare and healthiness of both the mother and the kid, who would be seeing the light of the world soon, is of paramount importance. Hence, a careful perusal of the following discussion is necessary:

• Women should start preparing to become a mother, at least 3 to 4 months prior to the actual delivery,
• Holistic measures for the maintenance of good health conditions is necessary for both the mother and child,
• A soon-to-be-mother should completely shun smoking and drinking habits,
• It is of paramount importance that no drugs of intoxication are consumed,
• Healthy, adequate nourishment is extremely necessary for women at these times. This is because both the pre-delivery and post-delivery periods are generally rather stressful for them, and
• For maintaining the desirable health conditions, minerals, proteins (that are easy to digest) and minerals should be consumed in adequate amounts.

It is also crucial to pay heed to some other important factors. Some such factors are:

? Thorough knowledge of one’s own body ? The period of ovulation in a woman is the ideal time for her to conceive a baby. Thus, she should be aware of the time of ovulation. There are, fortunately, many ways to find out what the time of ovulating would be. The ‘Post Ovulation Time’ (also termed the Luteal Phase) has to be estimated. This period, i.e., the time between ovulating and the date of commencement of the menstrual cycle, generally is fixed at 14 days in most women. The period starts after the length of the Luteal Phase, or 14 days after the occurrence of ovulation. There is an alternative way to find out the period of ovulation, which is based on the Basal Body Temperature method (i.e., the BBT technique). In this method, the temperature of the vagina is recorded by a specially-made BBT thermometer. This is done everyday in the morning. During the period of ovulation, this temperature rises significantly, and such increases can be easily tracked. For higher chances of conceiving a baby, sexual intercourse at these times is ideal.

? When does sexual union helps in conception the most? ? This information is necessary, since it ensures that the sperms of the best quality enter the female body at the time of ovulation. Sperms should have quick reaction time when a woman ovulates. Hence, fresh sperm is required to be present in the body of the female immediately before ovulating. However, there may occur certain problems in the sperm of the males too. In such cases, men should not be releasing sperms, for a minimum of 3 days before the scheduled day of sexual union. These data is extremely important, in case you are wondering how to get pregnant.

? The ideal frequency of lovemaking for higher chances of conceiving ? Among other factors, a correct estimate of the ovulation period in women and the overall physique of men determine the ideal frequency of sexual union. There is a school of thought that, sperm count goes down, with a resultant weakening of the male sperm, if intercourse is held everyday. Conversely, others tend to think that the male sperm becomes ineffective, old and stale (with much lower potency) if it remains within the testicles, due to prolonged periods of abstinence. It is generally recommended that, sexual union, during the period of female ovulation, should be held about once in every 2 days.

It is always better to provide holistic solutions to the question of how to get pregnant. Such an approach helps to gain an insight about the inner workings of our body, and the reasons for not conceiving earlier. It also comes up with several usable solutions to this problem, including medicines and herbs of Chinese origin as well as changes in eating habits and overall lifestyle. Suitable exercise methods and, if required, acupuncture is also recommended. Unlike the conventional methods, the holistic approach has no adverse side effects, and has a much higher chance of providing the desired results. Hence, in these cases, holistic approach works much better than conventional ways.

This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
Pregnancy Miracle

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks

There is phobia that is linked to the experience of panic attacks, and that is agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places such as shopping markets. It is a fear associated with leaving a safe zone, such as the home.

Because of a feeling of being vulnerable, people who experience this fear often suffer from panic attacks in these “open” situations. It is true to say many people who have regular panic attacks experience different degrees of agoraphobia. Some have a lingering background anxiety about being away from home should they experience a panic attack. Other people are so immobilized by this fear that they find it very difficult to leave their home for even a short period.

The thinking behind agoraphobia usually follows the line that were a panic attack to occur, who would look after the person, how would he or she get the assistance and reassurance they needed? The vulnerability grows from the feeling that once victims of agoraphobia are caught in the anxiety, they are suddenly unable to look after themselves and are therefore at the mercy of the place they find themselves in and the strangers around them. In its extreme form, agoraphobia and panic attacks can lead to a situation where people become housebound for numerous years. Please note, this is by no means a hopeless situation, and I always need to reinforce the fact that something only becomes hopeless once the person really believes that to be the case.

To begin with, the primary issue that needs to be addressed is the belief in the safe zone. To clarify, when I talk about safe zone, I am referring to the zone where the person believes panic attacks do not occur, or at least occur infrequently. As comfort is found there, it is where the person tends to spend more and more time. The safe zone of anxiety is a myth sustained by the mind. The mind has developed a habit of thinking that dictates that being inside the safe zone is the only place to feel secure and avoid agoraphobia and panic attacks. If agoraphobia is an issue for you, watch as your mind comes up with reasons why it believes only a certain area is safe and another is not. Those reasons range from being near the phone or people you trust to having familiar physical surroundings to reassure you.

The reality of anxiety is that there is no such thing as a safe zone. There is nothing life threatening about a panic attack, and therefore sitting at home is the same as sitting under the stars on a desert island. Of course, your mind will immediately rush to tell you that a desert island is a ridiculous place to be as there are no hospitals, no tranquillisers, no doctors, NO SAFETY.

You need to review your previous experiences of panic attacks. Aren’t you still here, alive and well, after all those attacks during which you were convinced you were going to die?

It may be that on occasions you have been driven to the hospital where they did medicate you to calm you down, but do you really believe that you would not have survived were it not for the drugs? You would have. If the same bout of anxiety had occurred on this desert island, it too would have passed, even if you were all alone. Yes, when it comes to conditions that need medical attention such as asthma, diabetes, and a whole litany or other conditions, then having medical aid nearby is a big asset, but no doctor in the world would tell someone with anxiety that there are only specific safe zones in which she or he can move.

As I know more than anyone how terrifying it can feel to move out of your safe zone as the feeling of fear is welling up inside, I do not wish to sound harsh. This course is not about chastising people for their behaviours. It is a way of looking together at solutions and seeing through the myths that form prison walls. The goal is to enable you to return to a richer and more meaningful life and ultimately defeat your agoraphobia and panic attacks. I also realize that people around you cannot understand why a trip to shops would cause you such discomfort. You will have to forgive them and try not to be upset by their lack of understanding of your problem.

If an individual such as a partner or family member has not had a similar anxiety issue, that person may often find it hard to understand and empathize with what you are going through. I am sure you have been dragged out of the house numerous times against your will, kicking and screaming. This can then lead to tensions and arguments and is upsetting as it can make you feel less understood by those around you. People around agoraphobics are often simply trying what they feel is best. If you can see that their intentions are well meaning (although often misguided), then you will be able to relate to them better and help sooth any potential conflicts.

There is one thing I am sure you will agree with, and that is that the only person who will get you out of agoraphobic thinking is yourself. These are your thoughts, and only you can begin to change that pattern. Dealing with long term agoraphobia and panic attacks is a slow process to begin with, but once the results start happening, it moves faster and faster until you reach a point where you will find it hard to believe that going out was such a difficult task.

Learn more

Barry McDonagh is an international panic disorder coach. His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here:

This article is copywritten material

Monday, 15 November 2010

How Chris Stumbled Upon A Simple Cure for Tinnitus

There is a lot of misinformation being spread about Tinnitus at the minute and a lot of people believe it to be true.

The thing is you think you know that there are no tinnitus cures but that is far from the truth and that is stopping you from even looking for a cure to rid yourself of the ringing in your ears!

You have heard your Doctor say that there is no way to cure the ringing in your ears but for many patients that is sadly not true.

Just imagine how many people have a curable form of tinnitus but never look to finding a cure because their Doctor has told them that there is no cure for tinnitus. You may know someone this relates to or maybe you may even have had this happen to you.

In fact Crazy Chris who is a guitarist with a rock band knows exactly this scenario.

After years of punishing his ears playing his bass guitar in a rock band he was suffering from tinnitus and he was told that there was no cure.

He was frustrated and the tinnitus was causing him to be stressed as he couldn’t get rid of the constant ringing in his ears.

Luckily for Chris he came across a cure completely by accident. He went down with a cold and after a week he was struggling to clear it so someone suggested to him that Chamomile Tea could help to ease his symptoms.

Chris was doubtful about whether the chamomile tea would cure his cold but as the tea was inexpensive he decided to give it a shot. Well after a couple of days he still had a cold but his tinnitus was completely gone!

After a few days Chris decided to have a day without the tea but the tinnitus came back in the evening so he had some more tea and then he found that it had gone again by the next morning.

Whilst Chris stumbled across this cure it was no surprise really as you see Chamomile contains Chrysin which is a flavonoid which has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect which helps with the tinnitus. Moreover chamomile is also known to relax muscles and cause sedation which may help to alleviate blood pressure and stress. Both of these conditions are known to be a factor in some tinnitus cases.

This is such a simple thing for you to do so I would recommend that you try the chamomile tea and see if that puts an end to that ringing in your ears.

There are many other natural tips that you can look at to cure you’re tinnitus but unfortunately we’re running out of room here so why not check them out on our recommended website.

If you are ready to check out a number of other natural methods that you can implement, as easily as this, to help you alleviate your tinnitus then take the next step and visit the tinnitus cures website.

Click here for tinnitus cures now!

Sunday, 14 November 2010

What to Look For in Over the Counter Wrinkle Removers

By Stuart James Smith

There are different ways of dealing with wrinkles. It could either be as easy as putting on some solution to the affected region or submitting yourself to a procedure and either could work best in your case. Most individuals would rather go for the ways that are affordable but also as efficient and many of them are called over the counter crease removal products. To give you an idea, here are the issues you may come across on the next occasion you go on over to the drug store.

The alpha hydroxyl acids or the AHA is the initial that you should be mindful of. Glycolic acid cream is one of these water soluble products that facilitate the removal of hyper pigmentations, an increase cellular turnover, the thickening of the skin tissue collagen and it also helps with photo damage.

Since AHA's have lactic acids incorporated in them, you should bear in mind that the one with a higher concentration is the kind that you should get when you have decided to buy this as irritation may be caused by those with lower ones.

Next there are betahydroxy acids or BHA. These are lipid soluble products. The marketplace offers an assortment of these products which are exfoliants, anti-inflammatory and comedolytic. These products are the ones sometimes being suggested by the dermatologists and are usually sold and endorsed by some of the most popular names in the business.

Combination hydroxy acids or CHA have both of the ingredients of AHA and BHA. Don't think that purchasing the first two products and then combining them together will have the same effect because it won't as each has its own pH level.

Products having enzymes are also for sale. The good news is, this can't cause any soreness since the dead skin layer is all it eats away at. It also stimulates cell turnover and allows other products to permeate the skin. The papaya and pineapple are two of the most frequent products to where these enzymes can be found.

Then there are the topical products. These are available in vitamin A, C and E and bought in the form of emollients and lotions. Wrinkles are reduced and eliminated by the Vitamin A as it breaks down the free radicals in the body. Vitamins C and E are acknowledged to be antioxidants thus they also tend to do the same thing as vitamin A.

Something that can work with Vitamin C and E are alpha lipioc acids because it is also an anti-oxidant. This works in a way that the cell membrane is being permeated so that those free radicals that have already been broken down will be totally wiped out.

Finding the greatest over the counter wrinkle remover may actually take you a great deal of time. The need to compare which product functions best is the primary reason for this. Search the Internet for all the information you need since it can offer you with various websites containing the price, potency, and quality of such products as well as its anti wrinkle emollient rating than can really be of help to you.

There are some suspicious individuals who are paid to encourage such products online and there are those who make it a point that their product is better than the others even without well-grounded claims. Don't be misguided since the only way for you to find out who really is convincing is to give the product a go.

None of the over the counter line removal products will execute a miracle immediately. You didn't got those lines in just a blink of an eye since they took place over time - thus, using it consistently for days or even weeks can possible give you the effects that you've invariably wanted. It doesn't matter what product you are using just as long as it works and has the right mixture of vitamins and nutrients contained in it.

About the Author: For more information on anti wrinkle products try Buy Cosmetics who have some great products at massive discounts. Alternatively you could try the Beauty & Care page of the UK Value Online Shopping Directory.


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Reiki Massage Information

by allen shawn

Since Reiki is all about energy choosing the wrong kind of Reiki Massage Table will result in negative energy and in a poor Reiki or massage therapy session for client. Choosing a Reiki table is a little different than choosing a traditional massage table and you need to be aware of the energy and tone that will result from the table choice. Having reiki massage table is important to get the maximum benefit to the client and easier the therapist to work during the session. Numerous reiki massage tables for sale are available in the market; however we need to be careful and smart to select the right choice.

The complex synergy of the body means that the reductionist view of the body, that it is composed of tiny parts that can be taken apart and studied like a machine, does not hold in the case of reiki philosophy. In fact, it is the main obstacle to learning this method. Therefore Reiki massage does not only target the body, but the mind, soul and emotions of the person undergoing the reiki treatment. A reiki massage may be given with the client either clothed or unclothed depending on the clients level of comfort. Where in massage therapy it is more effective for the client to be unclothed and covered except for the area of the body being worked on a reiki massage can be effective either way.

Most often, those receiving Reiki massage treatment are asked to lie on a Reiki massage table. This is a portable, collapsible unit made of metal or wood with a leather or vinyl surface and a headrest to place the head or face. The table is finger-jointed and comes with grip knobs for simple adjustments. The right table can help to build confidence and trust between you and your client, demonstrating that you are a professional and you know what you are doing. The table must be sturdy, secure and comfortable for your client. You may also want to use a height adjustable stool on castors that you can slide around the table and adjust to protect your own back. It is important for the therapist to be comfortable too.

It is very comfortable and healing. The various positions of Reiki massage include the face, head, on your crown, forehead, collarbone, chin, jaw line, around your heart to your rib case. It is then carried out to your tummy, shoulders and to the pelvic area. These positions cover the charkas or the energy centers of the body to which the massage therapist discharges the energies. Reiki massage is carried out on both the front and the back part of the body, as the charkas are present on the front and the backside of the body.

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Lower Ab Workout: Getting Fitter And More Fabulous

by Bethany U. Mcloud

Are you in search of the most effective means to achieve the best and proportionate body figure? Many body work outs we have today, which are intended to get this result, are mixtures of various exercises in different body areas. And one of the most challenging body parts to train and maintain is our lower abdomen. Because of this, there is a wide range of lower ab workout over the web and in different health magazines.

Working out the abdomen is something difficult to accomplish particularly if you are just starting. However, there are effective guidelines which you can easily follow to get this body shape you desire. Remember to discontinue the workout if you feel any pain or discomfort on the lower back area. Once you feel this, it could mean that what you are doing is too vigorous and you should make your activity a little slower and subtler.

Exercising at a slower pace keeps you more concentrated and that you are able to multiply the utilization of your abdominal muscles. As you do your routine, remember also to breathe the right way. Exhale when you muscles are shortening and inhale when these are lengthening. Do so continually and if you think that you are not getting good outcomes, cease doing the exercise. Your muscles need some break and a little rest so it could function again as usual.

There are a number of abdominal workouts that you can do to shape you lower ab properly. You can do the simple and/or the alternate leg lift, or the spine reverse crunches. Performing the simple leg lift is so easy. Just lie back on the floor, place your arms under your butt, and then raise your legs in an upright position. Then, put this down slowly until the calf is just a few inches above the floor. Be in this position for about ten seconds, and then bring back up your legs in the upright position. Repeat doing the process until you feel weary.

Another way to train out the lower abdomen is through alternate leg lift. Do this while you are lying on the floor and your hands are under your back or bottom and lift one leg, and then make a vertical position just like the simple leg lift. While in this posture, the muscles of your abdomen are contracting. Then lower your feet onto the floor just a few inches above it. Bring it back to the vertical position with the other leg. Repeat doing this with your other leg, and then do the cycle over and over again.

When doing any body training, don't force yourself too hard. Stop when you feel pain. Doing the lower ab workout properly can definitely shape up your body they way you want it to be, while keeping it healthy and conditioned.

Want a better shape? Choose lower ab workout to help you get fitter.