Hemorrhoids make many people suffer with lots of discomfort and pain in their lives. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that are formed at the lower end of the rectum. When veins around anus get stretched and strain is exerted, swelling begins to happen. This swelling of veins or hemorrhoids are of two types. One which is formed inside the rectum is called Internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are formed under the skin around tissues in the lower anus. Itching, irritation and pain while discharging the stools are the common symptoms. When much strain is exerted the delicate surface of the hemorrhoids starts bleeding. This can cause severe pain. More than 50% of adults suffer this problem world over.
This is commonly found in women in pregnancy, people who are over weight, those who sit for long periods of time especially on the toilet, people who are engaged in heavy lifting on a regular basis etc. Constipation, diarrhea. excessive fat, anal intercourse, straining while passing the stools are some of the common factors which cause hemorrhoids.
If treated early hemorrhoids can be contained and controlled. For that, certain easy and natural steps should be followed.
Some of the simple steps one can follow are:
. Drink water. Water is vital for survival. 6 To 8 glasses is normally recommended. Water will give good circulation to your body. Prevents constipation. Good digestion and softer stools are created. This way you will have an easier passage of stools.
. Eat wheat and whole bread. Because they have much-needed fiber in them. Fiber will make good digestion as well as soft stools.
. Vegetables and Fruits are very vital. They are very good as they supplement several vital vitamins required for the human body. Moreover they give good digestion. Again softer stools are created and an easy passage of bowel is possible.
. Exercise regularly. By doing so it can reduce excessive fat and gives good circulation to your body. Your stretched and strained veins get much-needed relief and prevents constipation.
So it is important that one treats hemorrhoids symptom in the early stages.
Even when you still suffer from hemorrhoids certain natural treatments can be applied in the comfort of your home. They are especially useful in the early stages.
. Proper hygiene should be maintained in your anal area all the time. Soaps should be avoided as they can prove counter productive.
. Wipe with a wet towel or soak the toilet paper in water and then use it to wipe. Again you should avoid perfumed toilet papers.
. Sit in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. This can give good relief. Use this method at least 3 times a day.
. Use a cold press after a bowel discharge. Ice pack is an ideal choice. Apply ice pack to the affected area.
. Use creams or ointments and apply them regularly.
These are some of the treatments one can do in his or her home. By combining preventive methods and natural treatment one can greatly reduce the problem of hemorrhoids and can prevent them developing. This way it is possible to eliminate them for ever.
For those who are suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids, this way of treatment is not sufficient. Bleeding occurs when the veins get strained. This will cause the delicate surface of the hemorrhoids to rupture and bleed. This can cause extreme pain and discomfort. In such a scenario one has to go for a treatment that can cure this problem completely.
Surgery is the common treatment known. But though it is effective, it has it's down side too. It can be painful, intrusive and may take several days to get a proper healing. In rare cases surgery may go wrong. This can lead to more complications. Then it will require further surgeries to rectify the faults. Because of this many people are hesitant to go for surgery.
It is advisable to look for alternative treatments before opting for surgery. Fortunately there is a very effective alternative treatment available. It is completely made of natural herbs. It is an alternative homeopathic treatment. Normally when applying creams one has to touch the affected area. This can cause infection. In this case it is a spray type treatment. It is not even sprayed in the affected area. It is sprayed under the tongue and gets absorbed into the blood stream quickly. Then it starts treating all the symptoms of your hemorrhoids. It is meant to eliminate the hemorrhoids from the roots. As it is made of natural herbs it is not harmful at all. It is the venapro treatment.
To get a permanent solution to your bleeding hemorrhoids try the venapro treatment FAST.Thousands have benefited from this treatment.They have a money back guarantee as well. It is affordable and practical. No need to feel embarrassed. No one is going to pry on your back side.You can do it all in the comfort of your home. ACT FAST and visit the site cure hemorrhoids naturally and get the No.1 Treatment for your bleeding and painful hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Varghese
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